Update On Officer Involved Shooting In Ider, AL January 14, 2025


From Ider Police Chief, Stephen Malone:
In reference to the officer involved shooting that occurred on 01/14/25 inside the City Limits of Ider.

There have been multiple false “sources” and “rumors” about what occurred during this incident.

January 14, 2025, at approximately 11:26pm,
The 911 center was advised of a female gun shot wound victim at the Ider Housing Authority.

Let me be clear, this shooting did not occur at the Housing Authority. We’ve had many concerned residents, especially our senior citizens from the apartment complex who are frightened and anxious due to the false reporting from individuals.

Officers and Deputies arrived on scene at the Housing Authority, and began life saving measures for the victim. The information gathered from the victim lead Officers and Deputies to Woodland Drive. There, a containment area was set around the residence of the shooting. At this time, the Special Response Team was activated.

Officers, Deputies, and the Special Response team began searching for the suspected shooter. For well over an hour, law enforcement made every attempt to talk to the suspect to have himself surrender.

During this time, the suspect was found and due to his reckless life threatening actions against Law Enforcement placing them in immediate life threatening danger Law Enforcement had no choice but to defend themselves.

The suspect, ultimately attempted to flee the scene, and hide in the surrounding woods. Ultimately SRT, Officers, and Deputies found the suspect, and was able to take him into custody and provide medical attention. Thankfully, the suspect received non life threatening injuries.

During his apprehension, the suspect was also found to be in possession of illegal substances, and had multiple outstanding warrants. This was an isolated incident, and there is no concern for the general public.

I don’t think the public quite understands the level of excellence, professionalism, and heroism it takes from these Officers, Deputies, SRT team, and the Ambulance Service.

Most of the Law Enforcement on scene, left their families at home around midnight to try and apprehend a shooting suspect. It needs to be known, that there are not many individuals willing to run towards gunfire, in below freezing temperatures to try and protect their communities.
If it wasn’t for the Dekalb County Special Response Team, Henagar Police Department, and our Department this situation would not have been resolved so swiftly.

I see over and over again people talking down on our profession, but the other night seeing first hand all of us coming together, potentially saving a woman’s life and stopping a threat to the community is what gives me hope that the people still know we are the “Good guys”.

There’s no other profession I know that will get out of bed at midnight, strap on a bulletproof vest, leave their family behind, to go stand in the freezing cold for hours and essentially run towards gunfire to try and keep its community safe. If there’s anything I can assure you, it’s that there are multiple hero’s in your community that you walk amongst.

I’m very thankful to know, if my family, community, or myself is ever in any danger these are the men and woman who will come to protect them, we are blessed with some of the best. I can’t thank the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office, Henagar Police Department, and especially the Dekalb County Special Response Team for their immediate response in assisting our Town. We ask for prayers for everyone involved.
-Chief Malone

*Any further information, will be released by the Dekalb County Sheriff’s Office who has taken over the investigation.*

**All suspects and persons posted on this page are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Information and photos posted here are obtained from PUBLIC sources (arrest records, booking lists, jail rosters, Body camera footage, and court documents).