In a devastating incident that unfolded on Saturday morning, a residential fire in the 2800 block of Murphy Hollow Road resulted in the loss of a life. The victim of this heart-wrenching incident has been identified as 69 year old Chiquita Joy Seale.
The response to the tragic event was swift and unified as several local agencies joined forces to address the situation. Among the first responders were the Trenton-Dade County Fire Department, the North Dade Fire & Rescue, the Davis Volunteer Fire Department, the New Home Fire Department, the Dade County Sheriff’s Office, and the Dade County Coroner’s Office. The Georgia State Fire Marshal’s Office has taken the lead in the ongoing investigation to determine the cause of the fire.
Dade Elementary School has stepped up to assist the family by accepting donations to help them recover from this devastating tragedy. The family has lost everything in the fire, and every little bit helps. Donations of clothing and shoes for various family members have been requested, including:
- Boy size 7/8, shoe size 1 1/2
- Boy size 14/16, shoe size 4 1/2
- Boy size adult medium (no jeans due to autism), shoe size 7 1/2
- Mom size 2x shirts and 16 in jeans
- Dad size XL shirts and 32×34 jeans
If you would like to contribute or offer support to this family during this difficult time, please consider donating the requested items to Dade Elementary School.