As good as grandma’s cooking is, we think this collection of recipes has her beat. Dade Elementary school students have shared their cooking wisdom with us to, hopefully, make your Thanksgiving turkey the best around.
Mrs. Langley & Mrs. Tina’s Pre-K Class
- Adler Keef – First I would take the bones out. Next I would cook it in the store and cook it hot hot. I would cook it for 3 minutes. Then I would eat it.
- Ama Cate McBryar – First you go to the store. You put it in the pan and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. Then put it on a plate and it’s done.
- Annalise Frashier – First I would get the turkey in the woods. Next I would cook it in the pot for 2 minutes. I would put some salt on it. Then I would eat it.
- Brooke Scribner – First I would get it from the store. Next I would put it in the over at home for 100 minutes. Then I would eat it.
- Camilla Burrow – First I would get a turkey from a farm. Next, I would cook it in the oven for 10 minutes and put butter on it. Next, I would get it out and then you eat it.
- Colton Gosselin – First, I would buy one at the store. Then I would cook it at my house in my microwave for 40 hours. I put my secret ingredient called Mac & Cheese. Then I will share it with my Mom, Dad, Grandmother, and my Uncle.
- Elena Nichols – First you get it from the store and you bring it home. You cook it in a pot. You put the pot in the kitchen for 4 hours. Then you take it out of the kitchen and you eat it.
- Finn Colvin – First I would go to the farm and get a turkey. Next, you get the feathers off, put it in the oven and cook it for 64 minutes. Then I would put it on a plate and eat it.
- Jayce Brooks – First you get it from the store. Next, you take it home. Then you cut the paper off of it. Now cook it in the oven for 1 second on hot. Then you eat it.
- Joseph Rooks – All I know is you have to put butter on it. Put it in the oven for 30 minutes at 20 degrees. You could cut it open and put some sugar in it.
- Kennedy Bright – First, you get it at a farm. Next you cook it wrapped in paper. Put it in the oven for 2 minutes on cold. Take it out of the oven. Next, you put it on the table and eat it with a fork.
- Landon Setser – First, you get a turkey at a farm. You cook the turkey in the stove for 7 hours.
- Logan Abrecrombie – First, you get a turkey from a building. Then, you cook it for 40 minutes then you can eat it.
- Maggie Weaver – First, you go to the forest. Add ingredients, put it in the stove for 5 minutes. Then, turn the stove on. Now take it out and eat it.
- Naria Patel – First, you go to Walmart. Cook the turkey in the oven for 5 minutes. We put in the plate and we eat it.
- Owen Gil – First, you get it from the woods. You pull the feathers off. Now you cook it in the pan in the oven for 7 hours. Then you can eat it.
- Samuel Carter – First, you gotta get it from a gate. You cook it in the oven for 25 minutes. Put ingredients on it, then you eat it.
- Slade Smith – First, you get it from the barn. Then, you cook it on the grill for 6 hours. Then you cut it and eat it.
- Scarlett Casey – First, you gotta kill him. Then, put him in a pot. Put him in the oven for 5 minutes. Now take him out and eat him.
- Zya’liyah Hughes – First, you go to my Dady’s house to get a turkey. Then, you cook it with butter and sugar. Put it in a pot on the stove for 6 minutes. Now you get a plate, put it on a table and eat it.
Mrs. Clark & Mrs. Gill Pre-K
“I will go to a farm to get the turkey. I will cook it on a grill for 12 minutes. I will eat the turkey at my home with my Mom, my Dad, and my big brother Bubba.”
Cambria Dias
“I will find a turkey in the woods. I will cook it on the grill for 10 days. I will eat it at home with Mama and Daddy, Bella, and Ava.”
C.J. Collins
“I will find a turkey at the turkey store. I will cook it on the grill for 3 seconds. I will eat it at home with Kinley, Easton, Mama, Daddy, and Emory. My Mama will have to hold Emory because she does not know how to eat it, so she has to have milk.”
Elijah Stephens
“I will get a turkey from the farm. I will cook it in the stove for 554 hours. I will eat it at Lala’s house with Hayden, Sissy, Mommy, Mia, and Daddy.”
Ellison Gil
“I will find a turkey in the woods. I will cook it on the grill for 5 years. I will eat it home with Mama, my 2 cousins Luca and Kinna, and my Daddy.”
Greyson Bowles
“I will get a turkey from the woods. I will cook it in the oven for 13 seconds. I will eat it at Hayden’s restaurant with Mama, Daddy, Bibi, Mawmaw, Hunter, Pawpaw, Wiwi.”
Hayden Bearden
“I will find a turkey at a McDonald’s cooking restaurant. I will cook it in the microwave for 5 hours. I will eat it in a bowl with Mama, Daddy, and River.”
Hudson Schratter
“I will get a turkey from Taco Bell. I will cook it in the microwave for 20 minutes. I will eat it at my house with my Mom, my Dad, and my sister.”
Isaac McKaig
“I will get a turkey from the farm. I will cook it on a flame for like maybe 200 thousand minutes. I will eat it outside with my family.”
James Smith
“I will find a turkey in the woods. I will cook it in the fire for like 10 minutes. I will eat it at my house with my Mommy, my Brad, Chippy and Mimi.”
Journee Baker
“I will get a turkey from the woods. I will cook it in the microwave for 100 hours. I will eat it at a restaurant with my Mom, Dad, my Bubba, and my new baby Bubba.”
Kase Eastman
“I will get a turkey from McDonald’s. I will cook it on a grill for 4 seconds. I will eat it at my house with my Nana and my friends.”
Laci Fike
“I will find a turkey in the woods. I will cook it on a grill for 50 seconds. I will eat it outside with my Mama, my Dad, Nana, my sister Danny, and Isabella, Brandon, Brayden, Nick, Silas, Levi but he is fighting for us, Allie, Kinlee, Charlee, and Preslee.”
Landyn Bryant
“I will find a turkey at Taco Bell. I will cook it in the oven for 50 minutes. I will eat it at home with my Mama, my sister, and my Daddy.”
Layla Holland
“I will find a turkey at Chuck E Cheese. I will cook it on a fire for 1 week. I will eat it in my truck with my Mama, Daddy, and my brothers.”
Leo Vinson
“I will get the turkey from Olive Garden. I will cook it on the grill for 100 days. I will eat it on the farm with Lucy, Scout, Masie, Mama, and Daddy.”
Livi Endicott
“I will find a turkey in the forest. I will cook it on a grill for 4 seconds. I will eat it outside at a table with my brother, my sissy well my whole family.”
Memphis Smith
“I will find a turkey in the forest. I will cook it in the oven for 30 minutes. I will eat it at my house with my Mama and Dada, Gigi but she will have to come to my house, Bubba, and Dominick.”
Preslyn Blessing
“I will find a turkey at the Walmart store. I will cook it on the fire for 2 minutes. I will eat it in the woods with my Mama, Dada, my Gram Neda, Papaw, and Gigi.”
River Stone
“I will find the turkey in the woods, because my dad showed me how to find them. I will cook it on a fire for 100 minutes. I will eat it at my house with my brother Gage, my baby brother Johnny, my Dad and Mom, and my great great Grandma, my Papaw, Naw Naw, my Pawpaw Robert, my Nana.”
Samuel Brandon
“I will find a turkey on the farm. My dad will cook it on the grill for 10 minutes. I will eat it inside my house. I will eat it all by myself, but my Dad and Mom will be at the table with me.”
Scarlet Davis
“I will find a turkey in the forest. I will cook it on a grill for 4 seconds. I will eat it in the woods with my Mom, Dad, my brother Zach, and my older brother Issaih.”
Zaylee Morcombe
Miss Reed and Mrs. Dean’s Pre-K
- I am going to put my turkey in a pot, then in the oven, and push start. You cook it for )ve minutes and eat it with rice, green beans, and macaroni. I eat my Thanksgiving dinner with my family.
Paisley - You cook your turkey in the oven until it’s all done and eat it with mashed potatoes. I will eat my turkey with momma and daddy.
Lex - You cook your turkey in the microwave for one minute. I am going to eat my turkey with chicken nuggets and carrots. We will have Thanksgiving at our house.
Teagan - I am going to cook my turkey in the oven and eat it with momma and daddy.
Donny - You cook your turkey in the oven with spices for )ve minutes and share it with your family.
Dhruv - You put your turkey on a plate and then in the oven for about eight minutes. I am going to eat cheese and salad with my turkey. We will eat our turkey at my Nana’s house.
Blake - My mom will put the turkey on the stove for 15 minutes. We will have sour cream and dressing with our turkey at my Grandma’s house.
Greyson - We are going to grill our turkey for 5-6 minutes. I will have mac and cheese with my turkey and share with my mom, dad and sister.
Corbin - You cook the turkey in the oven for two hours. I am going to eat broccoli and mashed potatoes with it at my grandmother’s house.
Mrs. Blye and Mrs. Kim’s Kindergarten
- First, you get the turkey from Walmart. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put oil on it so it doesn’t stick. Cook the turkey on the stove, at 7 degrees for 8 hours. After the turkey is cooked, you need to cut it with a knife. You should eat the turkey with salt and pepper.
Alicia Velez - First, you get the turkey from the forest. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put cow meat on it. Cook the turkey in the air fryer, at 6 degrees for 7 hours. After the turkey is cooked, you need to cool it down. You should eat the turkey with cheese and ketchup.
Beckham Blake - First, you get the turkey at church. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put pizza on it. Cook the turkey on the grill, at 5 degrees for 6 seconds. After the turkey is cooked, you need to cut it with a knife. You should eat the turkey with salt and cake.
Blakelynn Parnell - First, you get the turkey at the dollar store. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put grease on it. Cook the turkey in the oven, at 2 degrees for 3 minutes. After the turkey is cooked, you need to cut it up. You should eat the turkey with ranch and soda.
Calvin Brown - First, you get the turkey at Walmart. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put seasoning on it. Cook the turkey on the stove, at 20 degrees for 4 minutes. After the turkey is cooked, you need to cut it up for your family. You should eat the turkey with salt and pepper.
Clara Quigg - First, you get the turkey at the farm. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put sauce and tomatoes on it. Cook the turkey on the grill, at 100 degrees for 1 minute. After the turkey is cooked, you need to feed it to the kids First,. You should eat the turkey with lava pie and blue water pie.
Foster Case - First, you get the turkey from a chicken. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put salad on it. Cook the turkey on a fire outside, at 5 degrees for 90 hours. After the turkey is cooked, you need to put all the yummy stuff inside it. You should eat the turkey with watermelon and bananas.
Griffin Gann - First, you get the turkey from the turkey farm. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put noodles on it. Cook the turkey on top of the stove, at 10 degrees for 11 hours. After the turkey is cooked, you need to make sure you cool it down so it doesn't burn your mouth. You should eat the turkey with spaghetti and mac and cheese.
Hollie Baxter - First, you get the turkey from McDonald’s. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put salt on it. Cook the turkey on the grill, at 10 degrees for a million minutes. After the turkey is cooked, you need to share it with your family. You should eat the turkey with carrots and beans.
Hudson Smith - First, you get the turkey at Food City. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put sprinkles on it. Cook the turkey in the oven, at 13 degrees for 5 minutes. After the turkey is cooked, you need to add more sprinkles. You should eat the turkey with pumpkin pie and shredded cheese.
Jamee McClure - First, you get the turkey in a Happy Meal. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put applesauce on it. Cook the turkey on the stove, at 11 degrees for 10 hours. After the turkey is cooked, you need to put it on a plate with a spoon. You should eat the turkey with potatoes and vanilla cupcakes with sprinkles.
Kaisley Cannon - First, you get the turkey at Walmart. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put hot sauce on it. Cook the turkey in the oven, at 7 degrees for 8 minutes. After the turkey is cooked, you need to put it on the grill for a few minutes. You should eat the turkey with cheese and chocolate cake.
Kalan Wooten - First, you get the turkey at Walmart. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put mustard on it. Cook the turkey on the grill, at 1 degree for 6 seconds. After the turkey is cooked, you need to chop it up. You should eat turkey with pizza and hot dogs.
Koy Stephens - First, my Dad hunts the turkey. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put salt on it. Cook the turkey in the oven, at 20 degrees for 6 minutes. After the turkey is cooked, you need to put it on a plate. You should eat the turkey with dip and barbecue.
Mae Garmany - First, you get a turkey from Walmart or the Dollar Store. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put sugar on it. Cook the turkey in the oven, at 5 degrees for 11 hours. After the turkey is cooked, you need to put it on a plate and get a fork and some salt. You should eat the turkey with noodles and cheese sticks.
Nevaeh Hester - First, you get the turkey from McDonald’s. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put pepper on it. Cook the turkey on a fire, at 5 degrees for 3 minutes. After the turkey is cooked, you need to cut it with a knife. You should eat the turkey with french fries and chicken nuggets.
Reagan Guffey - First, you get the turkey from the farm. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put cheese on it. Cook the turkey on the fire, at 0 degrees for 6 hours. After the turkey is cooked, you need to chop it. You should eat the turkey with a sandwich and Spaghetti O’s.
Sawyer Veal - First, you get the turkey from Dollywood. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put peanut butter on it. Cook the turkey on the fire, at 2 degrees for 2 minutes. After the turkey is cooked, you need to get the crust off. You should eat the turkey with chips and vanilla ice cream.
Shepherd Saenz - First, you get the turkey at the BBQ Store. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put ham on it. Cook the turkey on the grill, at 1 degree for 16 hours. After the turkey is cooked, you need to
carry it to the table. You should eat the turkey with cheese and peanut butter sandwiches.
Shiloh Brooks - First, you get the turkey at Dollar Tree. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put salt and
pepper on it. Cook the turkey on the fire, at one million degrees for 100 hours. After the turkey is
cooked, you need to put syrup on it and give it to the kids. You should eat the turkey with
chocolate and vanilla ice cream and cookie cake.
Victor Guzman - First, you get the turkey at Walmart. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put pepper sauce
on it. Cook the turkey on the stove, at 20 degrees for 30 hours. After the turkey is cooked, you
need to get the bones out. You should eat the turkey with cow meat and pineapples.
Zandir Christensen - First, you get the turkey at Walmart. Before you cook the turkey, you need to put a tiny bit of hot
stuff on it. Cook the turkey on a big grill, at 100 degrees for millions of minutes. After the turkey
is cooked, you need to blow on it. You should eat the turkey with cookies, ice cream and
birthday cake.
Zavier Davis
Mrs. Lori Case’s First Grade Class
- First, find him. Next, sezzen (season) him. Then, cook him. Cook at 3 degrees for 5 minutes. Serve with
salad. Happer theksgiveg.
Mallorie Busby - First, go to the stor. Next, seazn it. Then, put it in the uvin. Cook at 100 degrees for 100 minutes.
Eli Case - First, I will kill it. Next, I will tell my dad. Then, I will git a pen (pan). Cook at 100 degrees for 80 minutes.
Serve with mak in cheez.
Emma Chitwood - First, hun ovr it. Next, mom takes out the fat. Then, we cook the turkey. Cook at 20 degrees for 5
minutes. Serve with orange jello salad.
Bella Collins - First, pot it n uven. Next, cook it. Then, eat it. Cook at 33 degrees for 36 minutes. Serve with salad.
Chapel Daniels - First, git at the store. Next, buy it with moms money. Then, cook it. Cook at 81 degrees for 30 minutes.
Serve with BBQ.
D.J. DeVaux - First, put wrapping on he top (put wrapping on it). Next, put ti uovem (put it in oven). Then, put lemon
in. Cook at 11 degrees for 12 minutes. Serve with jelly.
Anzleigh Frashier - First, put it ni oven. Next, take it out. Then, eat it. Cook at 100 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve with
Preslee Gass - First, biy Rileys trce. Next, tach is boos ht (take his bones out). Then, coc. Cook at 99 degrees for 99
minutes. Serve with rath (ranch).
Riley Goff - First, I will go to the stor. Next, I will go by the sidse. Then, cook it. Cook at 100 degrees for 81 minutes.
Serve with stace (steak).
Hayden Johnson - First, get it at the stor. Next, mom go home with turkey. Then, we cook the turkey. Cook at 30 degrees
for 5 minutes. Serve with ham and green beans.
Ayla Lewey - First, chof its feet off. Next, put it in ovn. Then, punim oven in rapr (put him oven in wrapper). Cook at
890 degrees for 3 minutes. Serve with souse.
Kaylie Longley - First, hunt the turkey. Next, get rid of the feathers. Then, put taste in the turkey. Cook at 91 degrees for
51 minutes. Serve with chigingit (chicken nuggets).
Zayden Norman - First, cook it.
Evan Paris - First, I ward go to the forest. Next, I wad cil it. Then, jriev hom (drive home). Cook at three degrees for
tow minutes. Serve with a plaet.
Oliver Walsh - First, I will biy it. Next, I will tell my parents. Then, I will drive home. Cook at 15 degrees for 20 minutes.
Serve with mac + cheese + tomatos.
Violet Wisniewski - First, got u turkey at makit (market). Next, kil it. Then, sisnien it (season it). Cook at 10 degrees for 40
minutes. Serve with dressing bobrko (BBQ) mac ches.
Charly White
Mrs. Nelson’s First Grade Class
- Aarav Chavda- First, go to Walmart and get a turkey. Next, cook the turkey. Then, the turkey is ready to eat.
- Jack Tatum- First, cill yor terkey. Next, koce it in the uvin. Then, pot solt on it. Cook at 5 degrees for 10 minutes. Serve with mash potatose.
- Matthew Bradford- First, I git it from my brother. Next, I will cook it. Then, I eat it. Cook at 48 degrees for 10 minutes. Serve with rolls.
- Charlotte Stewart- First, I go to Ingles. Next, we pay for the turkey. Then, we whit homw. Cook at 569 degrees for 36 minutes. Serve with pizza.
- Nora Moore- First, hunt it and cook it. Next, take it out of oven. Then, shar it with female. Cook at 21 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve with lettus.
- Panchhi Patel- First I find my turkey at Ingles. Next, I cook my turkey. Then I put salt and gurlic. Cook at 400 degrees for 5 minutes. Serve with pie.
- Seanna Petet- First, buy it. Next, clean it. Cook at 1 degree for 1 minute. Serve with sol and peper.
- Xavier Devries- First, I get my turkey from the stooar. Next I put my turkey in the ovun. Then, I put salt and peppr. Cook at 57 degrees for 52 minutes. Serve with mas popad.
- Boaz Wylie- First, I buy it and I pit on a pat. Next, I pit in the oven. Then, I tak it out of the oven. Cook at 8 degrees for 5 minutes. Serve with chicen and the sot.
- Lainey Page- First, I will go to Food City. Next, I will season it with garlic and salt. Then, I will stuff it with vechtbls. Cook at 510 degrees for 21 minutes. Serve with pumpin pie and mash putados and mac and chees and han and crambarey sos.
- Kolbie Tittsworth- First, git turkey from Womrt. Next, I put seasoning on the turkey. Then, I put vechuboos inside the turkey. Cook at 510 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve with mashtados. Hape Thaxgiveg!
- Elizabeth Mentzer- First, I get my turkey frm my yrd. Next, I put my turkey in grill. Then, I cook it. Cook at 82 degrees for 12 minutes. Serve with pie.
- Brentley Raines- First, clean it and get a bowl. Next, sisin it. Then, eat it. Cook at 15 degrees for 15 minutes. Serve with sesoning.
- Gage Pace- First, get at the stors. Next, youl poot on sot. Then, I like turkey. Cook at 400 degrees for 100 minutes. Serve with turkey and sot. It is good.
- Olivia Hart- First, I got my turkey from the stor. Next, I season my turkey. Then, I cook my turkey in the oven. Cook at 400 degrees for 5 minutes. Serve with mash butatoes.
- Joel Lee- First, buy it. Next, clean it. Cook at 4 degrees for 6 minutes. Serve with butter.
- Abby Quigg- First, I get my turkey. Next, put salt and garelik pawer. Then, stuff my turkey with whatever. Cook at 500 degrees for 15 minutes. Serve with mak and chesu.
- Sawyer Reese- First, I wil go too the stor. Next, I would put sour spray on it. Then, cook it in the microwave.
Ms. Gadd’s 1st Grade Class
- Runner Blevins
Get a turkey fum ingls. Before you cook it, you need to sezin it wif salt. Cook the turkey at 39 degrees for 2 minis. The turkey is done when the time is up. You can eat mash ptatos with the turkey. For dessert you can
eat srobare ise creme. - Emma Brown
Get a turkey from the fild. Before you cook it, you need to kut it, fat it up, seesin with sot. Cook the turkey at hot degrees for tin mis. The turkey is done when the timr et beeps. You can eat fris and salid with the
turkey. For dessert you can eat soberee kac with chereey. - Ariel Camp
Get a turkey from dolr jeneral. Before you cook it, you need to wip it up. Cook the turkey at 6 degrees for 10 minuts. The turkey is done when it has stem. You can eat mach ptatos, rols, and stac with the turkey. For
dessert you can eat bnanus pudeeg. - Phayden Carlton
Get a turkey fom womot. Before you cook it, you need to butr it and cut it. Cook the turkey at 10000 degrees for 1 minuts. The turkey is done when we can eat it. You can eat salit and patos with the turkey. For dessert you can eat pukin pie. - Crimson Condra
Get a turkey frum ingls. Before you cook it, you need to seesin it with solt. Cook the turkey at 65 degrees for 7 minis. The turkey is done when the tim is up. You can eat mash butaose with the turkey. For dessert you
can eat iue crem. - Maclin Dabbs
Get a turkey frum the wuds. Before you cook it, you need to butr it and clen t. Cook the turkey at a god temprtr degrees for unitol its cold. The turkey is done when it lucs cucd. You can eat it wih frinds with the turkey. For dessert you can eat apls and crots. - Ansley Dagnan
Get a turkey frum the mtkisior. Before you cook it, you need to seez it with pepr. Cook the turkey at cld degrees for 010110 minis. The turkey is done when id beps. You can eat clpd with the turkey. For dessert you
can eat bronez. - Hattie Dee
Get a turkey from womot. Before you cook it, you need to bodr it, ol it, and cot it. Cook the turkey at 1020 degrees for 20 minots. The turkey is done when it is ridee. You can eat litos and tomato with the turkey. For
dessert you can eat hsocolat cac, is creem, and coocees. - Adaline Fields
Get a turkey fum womrt. Before you cook it, you need to seezuning with butr. Cook the turkey at 10 degrees for mis 10. The turkey is done when the timr besp. You can eat cranberey sos with the turkey. For dessert you
can eat pech piy eat. - 10
Get a turkey frum womort. Before you cook it, you need to cut it and put spisis on it. Cook the turkey at hot degrees for 7 mint. The turkey is donewhen the timr gos of. You can eat cron with the turkey. For dessert you
can eat ced cron. - Dylilah Long
Get a turkey from a farm. Before you cook it, you need to tac the fdrs off. Cook the turkey at 20 degrees for 2 wors. The turkey is done when by looking the turgee. You can eat ship and okru with the turkey. For
dessert you can eat jLo. - Sawyer Reilly
Get a turkey from the wuds. Before you cook it, you need to tak the fethrs, wosh it and put it on a tray. Cook the turkey at 8 degrees for 12 minuts. The turkey is done when the timr gos off. You can eat ham with the turkey. For dessert you can eat is creenm. - Alec Soto
Get a turkey from Dolre tree. Before you cook it, yu need to by it. Cook the turkey at hot degrees for 100 minots. The turkey is done when you get it out the uvin. You can eat mac and cheez with the turkey. For
dessert you can eat gumez. - Adalyn Tate
Get a turkey from the wild. Before you cook it, you need to seeson it with shugr. Cook the turkey at six degrees for seven ms. The turkey is done when the uven beeps. You can eat chips with the turkey. For dessert
you can eat Halloween candee. - Tesla Taylor
Get a turkey frum the wuds. Before you cook it, you need to wosh it, pot it in a pan, seesnin paer. Cook the turkey at meedeem degrees for 10 mims. The turkey is done when strs beeeen. You can eat treree cak with
the turkey. For dessert you can eat cup caks. - Eli Vinson
Get a turkey fum the tukee stru. Before you cook it, you need to luk at it. Cook the turkey at 14 degrees for 4 minti. The turkey is done when we can et it. You can eat nodls n magurone with the turkey. For dessert you
can eat a trce. - Connor Williams
Get a turkey bi hunting it don. Before you cook it, you need to butr it. Cook the turkey at 20 degrees for 20 minuts. The turkey is done when aftr 20 minuts. You can eat macrone, crn, gren bens with the turkey. For
dessert you can eat choclit kak.
Mrs. Rooks 1st Grade
- Aaliyah Lovings
First, put butter in it. Next we put salt. Then, put vegetables. Cook at 2 degrees for 4 minutes. Serve with macaroni. - Addie Birchett
First we buy the turkey. Next we cook at 10 minutes. - Aiden Joyner
First, put butr. Next slot. Then vethuu. Cook at 600 degrees for 6 minutes. Serve with sladid. - Copper Crowder
First you need budru. Next you need solt. Then you need herbs. Put in the turkey. After that you can put dressing. Finally cook at 600 dges. Fry sic minis. Put in the uvin. - Easton Morrow
First, put butr. Next put vegetables. Then, smooth it out. Cook at 600 degrees for 6 minutes. Serve with chicken wings. - Evelyn Broyles
First you haf to put budr on the turkey. Then you haf to put the turkey in the uvin. Cook at 50 degrees for 15 minutes. Serve on playt. Enjoy - Jace Taylor
First biy a turkey. Next rostit. Then, poot shugr brudr. Cook at 666 degrees for 100 minutes. Serve with playt and poot it in the uvin. - Kohen Dabbs
First you haf bi it. Next budr migrray. Then, put rosit. Cook at 13 degrees for 21 minutes. Serve with nakin trgee. - Lexie Harris
First you git the turkey. Next, you git the seesaw. Then, you git the budr. Cook at 600 degrees for 70 minutes. Serve with a playt and bur. And a napcn and cut it. - Linley Doyle
First by the turkey next you put budr then you put shrg. After that cuc the turkey in the sdov 10 degrees for tin ars. - Nate Black
First, by a turkey. Next, put budr insid. Then, put slot in it. Cook at 100 degrees for 300 minutes. Serve with djresin. Eat the turkey. - Nevaeh Chang
I feel bad fo trkee. I love trkee. Trkee is koot. Dayr good. Trkee r the best. - Olivia Johnson
First put budr on the turkey. Next, put on the stov. Then, cook on the turkey in uvn. Cook at 1200 degrees for 900 minutes. Serve with tasig and biss and I can let the turkey. - Rosie Hickey
First, by a turkey. Next, put the butr. Then, cook the turkey. Cook at 1 degrees for 2 minutes. Serve with makr and chees pizza. - Shaelyn Ford
First put budr on the turkey. Next shrgr. Then you put limin in the turkey. Cook at 400 degrees for 1 minutes. Serve with turkey mak and chees btaydos.
Janet Brooks First Grade
- First buy a turkey and ingredeunts. Next put it in the uvin and when it is done we tac it out of the uvin. Then we put the tomadow and the ledus. We put the vechbls. Last, we eat it.
William Bartlett - First, you have to go the shop. Next, you brag a turkey back from the shop. You unrapit it. Cookit in the uvin. Then, you tacit aut uv the uvin. You put sos on but I go to the bech and cook it at the bech.
Isla Powers - First, you by a turkey. Next, you dres it. Then, you put it in the uven. Last, you can eat it
Ellie Dorman - First, we get a turkey. Next, we sill stuf it. Then, cook it. Last, it is done.
Weston Smith - First keel the turkey. Next, clean it. Then cook it. Last eat it.
Lucy Endicott - First, you get a turkey from the store. Next you clean the turkey. Then you put it in the uven for 5 dugrees for 11 ours. Last, you put salt on it and put a fork in it.
Hatch Case - First, yue biy the turkey. Next, yue mak the dadr. Then, yue poot the turkey. Last, the turkey go n the uvin. Gatlin Keel
- First, you git a turkey. Next, you clyn it. Then, you frufrn it. Last, put in thutnin.
Rowen Long - First, you have to go to the shop to get the sprizz to make the turkey. Next, you have to get a big od turkey. Then, you ned a uvin a brush and a plomr. Last, you are done.
Kaisley Case - First, we cut a bucit. Next, we put a bucit under it. Then, we put the turkey in. Last, we cut a whol in the turkey and then we let the blud come out. Last, we cut the skin of and then we cook it.
Klay Sapp - First, you have to get the turkey. Next you have to put the stuf on it. Then we have to put it in the offen. Last, we can eat it.
Averi Hale - First, you keel a turkey. Next, you brush it. Then, you thmadr it. You stuff it. Last you stuff it in the uvine.
Xavier Lunsford - First, you get the turkey. Next, you wash the turkey. Then, you chop the turkey. Last you can eat the turkey.
Kooper Sapp - First, you hunt the turkey. Next, you get tools and cook it. Then, when it is done cooking you chop it in slisese. Last, you can eat it.
Gage Brandon - First, I will get a turkey from the stor. Next, I will put barbecuw on the turkey. Then, I will put it in the oven to bake. Last, I will put cachup on it. Then I’ll eat it all up.
Joshua Ward - First, kill the turkey. Next, cook the turkey. Last, eat the turkey.
Oliver Gil - First, I would cook it. Next I would put spisis on it. Then I would put mint lefs uraond it. Last, I would sit the turkey on the tabole.
Marlena Fugate