Dade County as Top place for Weekly Wage Earners in Northwest Georgia.
Dade County Executive Ted Rumley today announced that Dade County Tops the list for Weekly Wage
Earners in Northwest Georgia. According to the Georgia Department of Labor’s 2023 Wage report Dade
County workers earn an average of $860 per week landing Dade first place for weekly wage earners,
with an increase of 8.4% from 2022-2023. Catoosa came in second place at $851 per week, with Walker
and Chattooga coming in third and fourth places respectively with weekly earnings of $846, and $799.
Equally exciting is the fact that Dade also tops the list for Weekly Wage Earners in Manufacturing. Again,
according to the statistics Dade County workers earn an average of $1,118 per week. Following Dade
were Catoosa County at $1030, Walker at $861, and Chattooga at $882.
We applaud the work of companies like Trenton Pressing, Bull Moose Tube Company, Chattanooga
Industrial Motors, Integer, JMS Metals, National Boiler Service, River Run Logistics, Teleflex, Tritex
Services, RCS Fabrication and Vanguard who have stepped up their efforts to make their companies
more competitive in the workplace. Industrial Development Director Evan Stone said “Our board works
diligently to make sure that we are upholding both the mission and goals of the I.D.A. to help our
manufactures grow in every possible way. The report proves that our industrial partners are making
Dade County a great place to work and live.”
“Although manufacturing is certainly far and away the highest by both percentage growth and dollar
amount, there are actually several areas of the 2023 Wage Earners Report where Dade County placed
first above the other counties in Northwest Georgia. I find that incredibly encouraging.” Said Mr. Stone.
County Executive Ted Rumley said “We’ve worked a lot of years to get good jobs in Dade County; jobs
where our people can make not just a decent living but a good living for themselves and their families.”
Currently Dade County is working with five different industrial partners with multi-million-dollar
expansions leaving Dade County in a strong position to maintain Northwest Georgia’s top spot on the
Georgia Department of Labor’s Annual Employment & Wages Report.
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