County Commission Names April National Donate Life Month in Monthly Meeting


At their monthly Workshop on April 6th, the Board of Commission began with proclamations and appointments. April has been proclaimed Child Abuse Protection Month. Arbor Day for Tree City USA will be observed on April 28th.  April 2023 has also been proclaimed National Donate Life Month, and this is to encourage citizens to consider organ donation.

The Historical Courthouse Restoration Project is moving forward at pace. The HVAC is currently being installed and framing and drywall work will begin this month. There is more demolition work to be done as well.

There are a few things that will be gotten rid of including a 2010 Ford Crown Victoria, a 1954 generator, and a scanner cabinet. Miscellaneous things that are taking up County space will be removed and disposed of as well.

A new fund set up by the Department of Transportation has been set up for cities to apply for. This must go to a new transit project. For Dade, it will go towards Operations.

Annette Cash gave an update regarding Senior Center Facility and Public Transportation. Lighting is currently being updated as well as counter tops and appliances. Senior Center rental rates have gone up to $150 and the rental deposit has also gone from $50 to $100. Transit Alliance group has started paying $18 a trip for seniors.

The Regular Meeting Session began with George Williams from the Alliance for Dade presenting the Career Fair at Dade County High School on April 19th. This year it will be open to the Junior class as well as the Senior class. He encouraged businesses to have a presence to show students all the opportunities in Dade County.

Commissioner Lowrey gave his report on Dade E911. In the month of March, Dade County Emergency Services received 206 calls, Fire Departments received 281 calls, and the Police received 2,914 calls.

The Annual Tire Amnesty Day for Dade County residents will be Saturday, May 6th. This is the perfect opportunity for Dade residents to get rid of scrap tires for free. Those participating can bring up to 20 tires per resident.

Mindy Haworth gave the monthly report from the Public Library. They have hired a new Youth Education Coordinator, Lynn Arp. Author Kris Whorton will be coming to the library on April 18th, to read and pre-release her book of poems, Alchemy. Ms. Haworth also informed that Georgia Lt. Governor, Burt Jones, will be hosting mobile office hours for constituents at the Public Library on April 20th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

Don Townsend presented the County financials. He reported that as of March 31st, Dade has a Total General Fund Balance of $4,051,009.


County Commission Meetings are the first Thursday of every month.

To watch this month’s meeting, click HERE!