1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of previous meeting(s) minutes:
3. Board Appointments and/or Proclamations
a. Re-Appointment of Reece Fauscett to Dade County Library Board of Trustees
4. Approval of SPLOST / Capital Equipment
a. Street Dept. Edger
5. Police Dept. Surplus K9 car to GovDeals
1. Call to Order: Mayor Joseph Case
2. Invocation: Mayor Joseph
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
4. Commissioners Roll Call: Houts, Norris, Powell, and Wooten
5. Departmental Reports:
a. Police – Commissioner Norris
b. Parks – Recreation / Animal Control – Commissioner Powel
c. Fire / Utilities – Commissioner Houts
d. Streets – Commissioner Wooten
e. Mayor – Reports and Financial Report
6. .Appearances
a. Eloise Gass – Tree City USA update
b. Mindy Haworth – Dade County Public Library
c. Sandy White – Alliance for Dade
7. Legal Matters
8. Unfinished Business
9. Citizens Participation
10. New Business
a. Consideration of all items on workshop agenda.
11. Executive Session
12. Adjournment