City Commission Honors Law Enforcement Officers and Welcomes New Full Time Officer


The Trenton City Commission Meeting on May 8 began with discussion of the unavailability of surplus property they had planned to sell because it was federally-funded, as well as their recent recognition of law enforcement officers awarded by the Optimist Club. They discussed the importance of honoring the men and women in blue who risk their lives every day to protect their community, with Mayor Case expressing appreciation for dispatchers who must keep officers informed and safe during traffic stops.

They then discussed an issue with a previously passed ordinance that allows the city officials to review soil erosion plans from within the city. They mention that the ordinance was not processed properly and had to be reissued. The meeting moved on to hear department reports. The Trenton Police Department had answered 258 calls for service in the month of April, conducted 1600 checks, and responded to various calls such as domestic disturbances and traffic accidents.

The commission also welcomed a new full-time officer, Kevin Hazard, and discussed the delay in server upgrades, as well as updates on the community center and fire and utility departments. The fire department responded to a total of 115 calls, including 40 fire-related accidents, while the public works department dealt with numerous work orders due to the heavy rainfall. Brush pickups are scheduled twice a week.

Quarterly reports on federal funds have shown that the city has only spent money on engineering fees, and they are hoping to move forward in the next few months following the procurement process. The commission has also been in communication with US Congress representatives regarding grants for sewer.

The commission went on to discuss the issues surrounding repairing the city’s clay pipes. They mention new techniques such as pipe bursting and lining, but it’s difficult to know the exact issue until the pipes are inspected via camera. The commission also talked about the effect of the rain on their pumps and mentions the importance of keeping overtime pay low.

From there the commissioners go on to discuss the upcoming budget for 2024 and the importance of financial planning. The revenue for March was $50,760 and expenses for the sewer in March were $36,387.12.

Mandy Haworth of the Dade County Public Library presented the library’s various programs and events. They have been collaborating with the Georgia Legal Services Program to offer Ask the Lawyer Day, and the naturalists from Collin Canyon State Park are coming to do a special program on fireflies on May 24th. The main highlight is the upcoming Summer Reading Challenge, where the library invites community sponsors to help pay for programming for children and teens. Registration opens May 15th and kids can start logging in their daily reading time on June 5th. There are various performers and events planned for the summer, with a special community day on June 22nd where community leaders will read stories and emergency vehicles will be on display for kids.

Closing out the meeting, Mayor Case expressed gratitude towards the individuals who have been instrumental in integrating new technology into the city’s operations, particularly in the software department. He acknowledges the long hours that some of the employees have put in, working tirelessly for 12 hours a day, and thanks them for their hard work and dedication. He also discusses the acquisition of two new vehicles this year and plans for the fleet in the coming year.


Watch the full City Commission Meeting here!