Paul Stanley has never been one to hold his tongue when it comes to expressing himself — although more than few fans were confused, if not outright angered, at why he felt the need to suddenly air his opinion on transgender kids and their parents.
Stanley posted a message, titled, "My Thoughts On What I'm Seeing," on Instagram that reads in full:
There is a BIG difference between teaching acceptance and normalizing and even encouraging participation in a lifestyle that confuses young children into questioning their sexual identification as though some sort of game and then parents in some cases allow it.
There ARE individuals who as adults may decide reassignment is their needed choice but turning this into a game or parents normalizing it as some sort of natural alternative or believing that because a little boy likes to play dress up in his sister’s clothes or a girl in her brother’s, we should lead them steps further down a path that’s far from the innocence of what they are doing.
With many children who have no real sense of sexuality or sexual experiences caught up in the ‘fun’ of using pronouns and saying what they identify as, some adults mistakenly confuse teaching acceptance with normalizing and encouraging a situation that has been a struggle for those truly affected and have turned it into a sad and dangerous fad.
Kiss kicks off its final North American tour on May 27th at Columbus, Ohio's Historic Crew Stadium.