Zoning Law Changed in Trenton; Single-Wide Trailers Only Permitted in Two Location

The planning commission updated zoning ordinances and presented the changes to the Trenton City Council on Monday. After an explanation of specifics, the commissioners voted unanimously to pass them into law. Of the changes, probably the most glaring is that there are now only two locations in the city of Trenton that permit single-wide mobile homes; those that fall under the R-5. There were previously no R-5 zones in Trenton, as shown on the zoning map. However, a detailed description of the changes (including the locations of the new R-5 zones) follow the image.
1. B-2 area has been changed to B-R.
2. R-5 area in Jeffery Town has been changed to allow R-2 permitted uses
3. Area of Church St., east of Sunset Dr. has been rezoned to R-5 with permitted uses of R-2 and R-A
4. Mobile homes have been removed from all districts except R-5. (Manufactured homes will be allowed to remain so long as they fall under compatible standards.
I’ve added a short explanation of these changes for those without extensive knowledge of the City of Trenton zoning codes.
1. B-2 is “Business Retail” that allows for retail stores, personal service shops, launderettes, bank/studio/office buildings, public buildings, restaurants, motels, hotels, theaters, bowling alleys, funeral homes, bus stations, utility stations, accessory buildings, newspaper plants, clinics, parks/playgrounds, and (conditionally) service stations, auto sales, and drive-in restaurants that meet certain size/dimension criteria.
B-R is the same, but it allows for B-3 (smaller versions of the above listed) and R-2 permitted uses.
R-2 (which will be featured in the following) includes family dwellings, rooming houses, nursing homes, clubs/lodges, churches, and accessory buildings (public utility stations and manufactured homes). This used to include mobile homes as well, but (4) changed that.
2. R-5 is manufactured home +1, and conditional mobile home usage; Jeffery Town is now R-2 only (see above). This will allow for many other buildings in the Jeffery Town area; but take away mobile homes.
3. R-A is residential agriculture; Farms, nurseries, truck gardens, public utility stations, customary agricultural operations and customary accessory use of buildings, and some conditional two-family dwellings.
4. Mobile homes were previously permitted in R-2 and R-4, but are now only permitted in R-5 areas. The explanation of “compatible” manufactured home that the Trenton Code of Ordinances gives is: “A structure that is transportation in one or more sections which are built on a permanent chassis and has been designed to be used as a dwelling with or without permanent foundation. This structure, when connected to the required utilities (which includes plumbing, heating and air conditioning and electrical systems contained therein) bears a label certifying that it is constructed in compliance with the National Manufacturing Housing and Construction Safety Standards Act (42 USC 5401 et. seq.), as amended, U.S. Public Law 93-383, as amended. This definition is different than that of a ‘mobile home."”
by Orey Yates

If you have any questions, please get in touch with your City Council at Trenton City hall:

12882 N Main St
Trenton, GA 30752

Phone: (706) 657-4167

A link to the current Trenton Municipal Code of Ordinances: https://library.municode.com/ga/trenton/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIICO_APXAZO