Water Authority Decision on Reservoir Provokes Executive Response: Water Authority Calls for Joint Meeting


On October 18th, the Dade County Water & Sewer Authority voted to cease moving forward on the proposed Lookout Creek Reservoir on the land that was purchased in December 2018. County Executive Ted Rumley was asked several questions regarding the decision during the County’s weekly Facebook Live update.

“I respect what they found,” said Rumley; adding that he still considers the location a good place for a reservoir. “The report, if you read it, doesn’t say a reservoir can’t be built… We’ll just see what the future holds.” Rumley goes on to add that if the land was ever going to be converted into its intended purpose, the cost would be “tremendous;” and that any responsibility to repurpose the land will be a joint responsibility between the Water Authority and the Dade County Board of Commissioners. “I’m sure we’ll have a meeting or two in the future and we’ll see what we’re going to do.”

When asked why the commissioners were not aware of the Water & Sewer Authority’s special called meeting, despite the Water Authority’s social media post during the prior week, the Executive responded; “Normally we keep in touch; but I did not know about the special called meeting.”

Earlier that morning, Vice Chair of the Dade County Board of Commissioners, Robert Goff, appeared on the K-WIN Today program Thursday for the Commission’s scheduled weekly appearance and reiterated that the County Commission did not have notice. “Three or four days ago, we got a copy of the news release in an email. No commissioner that I knew of, knew about this.”

“Three or four days ago, we got a copy of the news release in an email, and they’re exactly right. I’m not gonna fight the water company,” said Goff. He also mirrored the Executive’s position from later that evening. “No one said, ‘you can never build it here.’ The land was purchased for that purpose.” Goff continued that the county contributed $75,000 toward the purchase, with an additional $25,000 provided by SETA. Executive Rumley confirmed that $400,000 was contributed by the Water & Sewer Authority.

Goff said the County Commission office had received a lot of calls with questions regarding the decision. “If you have a question, direct it to the water authority. Call Sherry Walker.”

Sherry Walker and the Dade County Water & Sewer Authority can be reached at (706) 657-4341.

When the Dade County Water & Sewer Authority has a special called meeting, they are required to post notice at the Dade County Commission Building 24 hours before the meeting is held. This was confirmed to have happened. There was also a public post on their Facebook on October 12th, announcing the meeting on the 18th.

The Dade County Water $ Sewer Authority, on October 26th, has invited members of the Dade County Commission to join a Special Called Meeting on November 8, at 6:30PM in the Dade County Commission Building.

by Orey Yates