This Wednesday, Dade County hosted a Joint Development work session between the Dade County government and the City of Trenton.
During the work session, no votes were cast, however the two governments unofficially announced projects that would break ground within the next 90 days.
The long-awaited Trenton/Dade County Animal Shelter, which has been featured on SPLOST votes for over a decade, will break within the next 90 days. “By April 1st,” said multiple members of the City of Trenton and Dade County governments. The animal shelter will be located behind the transfer station in Trenton. As the facility will be adequate to host and care for animals, providing a much-needed service that Trenton and Dade citizens have long-requested from their respective governments, it will be required to follow Georgia governmental guidelines on such facilities. Plans for the animal shelter have been long-discussed, though the full blueprints have yet to be made public.
Also by April 1st, ground will also be broken on Dade County and Trenton’s new voting facility. The voting facility will fix the existing legal problem that Dade County has faced by hosting voting within the same building in which many of those running for election and re-election work. The governments unofficially announced that the new building will be located on Trenton City property between the Civic Center and Railroad Lane on Wednesday.
The above announcements, while made in a public work session, are considered unofficial until voted on at each government’s respective monthly meetings. The Dade County Commission will meet on the first Thursday of 2023, January 5th and the City of Trenton will meet on Monday, January 9th.
County Executive Ted Rumley spoke on the matters during his weekly appearance on the K-WIN Today program. The entire interview can be watched below.
by Orey Yates