National Cornbread Festival Celebrates 25th Anniversary, April 23rd and 24th


Beth Duggar, President of the National Cornbread Festival appeared on the Sheriff Talk program on K-WIN Today, ahead of the 25th year of the event.

Duggar expounded on the list of events that will be included in this year’s festival; such as the carnival, the National Championship Cook-off sponsored by Lodge, a children’s cooking competition, amongst plenty of other events.

Lodge Cast Iron in South Pittsburgh, the impetus of the Cornbread Festival, has grown even more over the 25 years that the event has existed; and according to Duggar, will be opening a restaurant in the months after.

The Cornbread Festival starts with a week-long carnival, running Tuesday – Sunday, with the Festival happening that weekend.

Watch the entire interview with Beth Duggar, President of the national Cornbread Festival on this week’s episode of K-WIN’s Sheriff Talk below: