The Dade County Water and Sewer Authority will meet at the Dade County Commission meeting room Monday night at 6:30. The Dade County Board of Commissioners were invited to attend. On the agenda is discussion regarding the once-proposed water reservoir off of the Sells Lane property that was purchased jointly by the Water and Sewer Authority and Dade County Commission.
Monday morning, the Dade County Board of Commissioners released the following public notice regarding the special called meeting:
Public notice of Board of Commissioners attending Water & Sewer Authority special called meeting
All board members of the Dade County Board of Commissioners have been invited to attend a special called meeting of the Dade County Water & Sewer Authority scheduled for Monday, November 8, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. being held inside the Commissioners’ meeting room located in the Dade County Administrative Building, 71 Case Avenue, Trenton, Georgia. The County Commission has not called a special called meeting, but are attending only as guest of the Water & Sewer Authority. No official business and/or decisions of the governing body will be considered or voted on by any respective board member. O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1 et seq.
The public is invited to attend the meeting; and K-WIN News Now will be streaming the meeting on their Facebook page.
by Orey Yates