Dade Elementary School Set To Move To Remote Learning Monday

As the Dade Middle school and Dade county high return to s hrybrid schedule today {8-26-21}.  The Dade Elementary school will start Remote learning Monday.
The parents were sent the following.
 Dade Elementary Parents and Guardians: We are now seeing an increase in the number of quarantines and positive COVID-19 cases among students and staff at Dade Elementary School. Therefore, out of abundance of caution, it has become necessary for Dade Elementary School to make some adjustments and transition to Level III – Remote Learning which shall begin Monday, August 30. This temporary adjustment is currently scheduled for all of next week (08/30/2021 – 09/03/2021) and our hope is that students can safely return on Tuesday September 7. Our decisions will continue to be driven by the data within our school communities and we will do our best to communicate any additional changes as quickly as possible. A return schedule for each school will be posted on our website. Please know you will receive more specific information from DES Principal, Ms. Tracy Blevins very soon. Thank you for your support in keeping our students, staff, and community safe as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters together.