CSNY Tease Early Version Of ‘Our House’ Ahead Of Box Set


Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young have just released an early studio take of the Graham Nash standard “Our House” from the upcoming box set version of their 1970 Déjà Vu album, which drops on May 14th.

Graham Nash explained why he's always been willing to showcase his warts-and all demos and outtakes for some of the most expertly crafted pop/rock songs of the era: “But I do realize the value of hearing the demo of 'Our House' and then listening the record of CSN doing it — CSNY, y'know? The main thing I realized is that I definitely had an idea of how the form of the song would take, and what we did was do our version of my arrangement. When we made the record of 'Our House' we talked about a guitar solo, but it didn't feel like a guitar solo song. And that's how we ended up singing 'la la la' like that — like a sing-song.”

Graham Nash On ‘Our House’ Demo :