Fri, Feb 16 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Dade County Public Library
102 Court St, Trenton, GA 30752

Teens mark these dates on your calendar, 2/6 & 2/16!

Come learn how to use all the cool equipment in the library’s sound studio. Learn how to record voices, instruments, and videos for your podcasts, songs, and social media!

First Session on 2/6: The ins & outs of recording.
You will learn how to setup and record audio and video, how to connect various microphones and instruments, audio Interfaces & sound boards, recording with GarageBand, layering audio tracks, how to Set-Up the green screen, proper lighting techniques, and recording Video for Online Content

Second Session on 2/16 : Putting It All Together.
We will take all that we learned in the first session and create a fully produced video, record audio and video for podcast/live stream, editing & layering audio tracks in GarageBand, using IMovie to edit audio and video & finalizing content.
